Formy udziału banków w finansowaniu projektów inwestycyjnych z udziałem środków Unii Europejskiej




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Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu


Poland has got an opportunity to partake in substantial EU funding allocated in its majority to financing investment projects. Banks can play a major role in the process of absorbing EU funding, through the supply of capital complementing investor’s own contribution, providing bridge credit, offering consulting service as well as a comprehensive service for the beneficiaries of EU funding. The purpose of this paper is to present the fundamental forms of banks’ participation in the finance of investment projects implemented with the participation of EU funds. The present analysis covers products offered by selected banks, products that are targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises, distinguishing between basic product groups, including investment credits, bridge credits, additional services (contract account, consulting, guarantees instruments safeguarding against market risk). Attention was brought to the role played by the guarantees offered by the EU Guarantee Fund. It discusses various forms of banks’ participation in the financing of investment projects with EU funds and turns your attention to the role of guarantees offered by the EU Guarantee Fund. Bank experience resulting from the co-funding of projects implemented by employing the EU funds as well as data available for 2004-2006 allowed us to estimate the costs and advantages for beneficiaries, resulting from the role of banks as trusted public institutions, which have at their disposal appropriately trained and educated staff of economists, elaborate network of branches, the operation of financial leverage effect. Substantial EU funds offered to Poland under the New EU Perspective for 2007-2013 confirm that the role of specific products offered by banks in the financing and implementing of projects with the support of EU funds will continue to grow, which is not escaping the notice of decision-makers shaping the framework of Polish regional policy.


Słowa kluczowe


Organizacje komercyjne i niekomercyjne wobec wzmożonej konkurencji i rosnących wymagań konsumentów. Pod red. A. Nalepki. Nowy Sącz : WSB-NLU, 2007. - S. 168-183