Projektowanie rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa w aspekcie efektywności jego funkcjonowania na przykładzie Telekomunikacji Polskiej S.A.

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dc.contributor.advisor Jędrzejczyk, Zbigniew Smaga Maria 2014-01-18T22:47:33Z 2014-01-18T22:47:33Z 2014-01-18
dc.description.abstract Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. jest jednym z największych, dynamicznie rozwijających się polskich przedsiębiorstw. Jako jedyna firma w Polsce oferuje kompleksową ofertę telekomunikacyjną dostępną w całym kraju. Działa na rynku telefonii stacjonarnej, transmisji danych, telefonii komórkowej i Internetu. Oferuje również specjalistyczne usługi w zakresie radiokomunikacji, telefonii przywoławczej, radiotelefonii i łączności dyspozytorskiej. Wzrost gospodarczy, kompleksowe reformy makroekonomiczne zapewniają wysokie notowania Polski wśród innych krajów. Diagnoza rynku telekomunikacyjnego wskazuje, iż w chwili obecnej sektor telekomunikacyjny w Polsce znajduje się w punkcie zwrotnym. Zasadniczym czynnikiem określającym nową epokę rynku są reformy instytucjonalne związane ze zmianą otoczenia regulacyjnego rynku telekomunikacyjnego w Polsce. Z drugiej strony globalne wyzwania wskazują nowy kierunek rozwoju branży telekomunikacyjnej a raczej teleinformatycznej. Integracja sektora informatycznego oraz telekomunikacyjnego ze światem mediów tworzy nowe możliwości i przestrzenie gospodarcze. Wyzwania globalne wskazują kierunek zmian z perspektywy miejsca, w którym znajduje się rynek telekomunikacyjny w Polsce. Popyt klientów na nowoczesne usługi i jego kształt nadający mu globalny charakter a więc i globalny akces do usług teleinformatycznych zmusza do intensyfikacji reform rynku telekomunikacyjnego w Polsce. Rynek teleinformatyczny jest ważnym komponentem infrastruktury otoczenia gospodarczego sprzyjającej napływowi bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych do Polski oraz transferowi nowoczesnych technologii. Przemiany strukturalne w polskiej gospodarce są w dużym stopniu skorelowane z rozwojem infrastruktury teleinformatycznej. Celem niniejszej pracy jest ocena stanu ekonomicznego przedsiębiorstwa i uwarunkowań jego rozwoju. Realizacja powyższego celu wymagała naświetlenia kilku kwestii. W pracy zostały wykorzystane materiały źródłowe Telekomunikacji Polskiej S.A., które pozwoliły scharakteryzować firmę, dokonać właściwych obliczeń i ocenić jej działalność. In recent years the market of telecommunication has been formes through several factors, fast growth of the movable communication, the internet explosion, the stagnation of profits from traditional telephonic market, the fall in prices and the extension of the competition, liberalism and privatization. The liberalism of markets has been helped by the international activity, which aim was the opening for the competition of inside markets and the creation of uniform telecommunications market. The main purpose of telecommunications market are transformations of regulations bringing near Poland to the standards of European Union. The main challenge is the development of infrastructure increasing satisfaction and client’s possibilities. The model of telecommunications market is the indispensable element of discussion on the subject of telecommunications politics. Its limpid vision should contain complex elements enabling the creation of foundations under effective development and dynamic sector. To define the model of telecommunications market should be the main task for telecommunications society as well as the firms tied up with this branch. The beginning of parliamentary debate over new telecommunications law will bring the discussion over the shape and the introduction of the future regulator in telecommunications market. Telecommunications office itself won’t fill up for example the gap connected with the lack of solutions that refer to for example the balance of power over tariffs. The lack of that problem’s definition is visible in the project of telecommunications law as well as in the practice of activities in regulation. The gap must be filled up by the consensus of society in telecommunications branch and by politicians leading works over telecommunications law. The telecommunications society should be prepared for the key decisions. That must be taken up within the limits of reform regulation system in telecommunications sector. The aim of this work is the estimation of economic condition in Polish Telecommunications S.A. and also conditions in its development. The realization of above aim has required the discussion of activity in business on market’s economy. There was presented the essence and the kinds of businesses operating in economy as well as the current and evolutionary businesses. Besides the work contains the information about the notion and the range of economic analysis as well as the fundamental methods of the economic – financial analysis allowing bringing about the right financial analysis and showing the financial result. There has been also presented the description of Polish Telecommunications S.A. and in particular the organization of the firm, the structure of employment, the specific of activities as well as services offered to the clients. There were also described the exterior surroundings of business as well as the recent state and the directions of development. The consideration contained in this work results that the recent system is faulty and unstable, deprives of the systemic solutions increasing the risk of investment. That is way in the interest of all participants in telecommunications market should have been transparency and legibility of the system of regulation. Its final model should be as close as possible to the standards of European Union countries, then should fulfil the rule of transparency, systematic solutions and should show economic conditions of Polish economy. The government of most countries have observed the exact dependence between economic growth and the development of competitive telecommunications market. Thanks to competition the prices of services on the total market dramatically dropped, but in spite of that, the telecommunications sector still develops so strong. Incomes from telecommunications increase twice faster than incomes from all the economy. In the worlds the economy occurs the turning – point between the business, informative and communicative technology and the strategies of management. The firms have got the possibility of development new business strategies, whereas the producers of technology provide innovative solutions more and more cheaper. pl
dc.description.abstract In recent years the market of telecommunication has been formes through several factors, fast growth of the movable communication, the internet explosion, the stagnation of profits from traditional telephonic market, the fall in prices and the extension of the competition, liberalism and privatization. The liberalism of markets has been helped by the international activity, which aim was the opening for the competition of inside markets and the creation of uniform telecommunications market. The main purpose of telecommunications market are transformations of regulations bringing near Poland to the standards of European Union. The main challenge is the development of infrastructure increasing satisfaction and client’s possibilities. The model of telecommunications market is the indispensable element of discussion on the subject of telecommunications politics. Its limpid vision should contain complex elements enabling the creation of foundations under effective development and dynamic sector. To define the model of telecommunications market should be the main task for telecommunications society as well as the firms tied up with this branch. The beginning of parliamentary debate over new telecommunications law will bring the discussion over the shape and the introduction of the future regulator in telecommunications market. Telecommunications office itself won’t fill up for example the gap connected with the lack of solutions that refer to for example the balance of power over tariffs. The lack of that problem’s definition is visible in the project of telecommunications law as well as in the practice of activities in regulation. The gap must be filled up by the consensus of society in telecommunications branch and by politicians leading works over telecommunications law. The telecommunications society should be prepared for the key decisions. That must be taken up within the limits of reform regulation system in telecommunications sector. The aim of this work is the estimation of economic condition in Polish Telecommunications S.A. and also conditions in its development. The realization of above aim has required the discussion of activity in business on market’s economy. There was presented the essence and the kinds of businesses operating in economy as well as the current and evolutionary businesses. Besides the work contains the information about the notion and the range of economic analysis as well as the fundamental methods of the economic – financial analysis allowing bringing about the right financial analysis and showing the financial result. There has been also presented the description of Polish Telecommunications S.A. and in particular the organization of the firm, the structure of employment, the specific of activities as well as services offered to the clients. There were also described the exterior surroundings of business as well as the recent state and the directions of development. The consideration contained in this work results that the recent system is faulty and unstable, deprives of the systemic solutions increasing the risk of investment. That is way in the interest of all participants in telecommunications market should have been transparency and legibility of the system of regulation. Its final model should be as close as possible to the standards of European Union countries, then should fulfil the rule of transparency, systematic solutions and should show economic conditions of Polish economy. The government of most countries have observed the exact dependence between economic growth and the development of competitive telecommunications market. Thanks to competition the prices of services on the total market dramatically dropped, but in spite of that, the telecommunications sector still develops so strong. Incomes from telecommunications increase twice faster than incomes from all the economy. In the worlds the economy occurs the turning – point between the business, informative and communicative technology and the strategies of management. The firms have got the possibility of development new business strategies, whereas the producers of technology provide innovative solutions more and more cheaper. en
dc.language.iso pl pl
dc.rights licencja niewyłączna pl
dc.subject gospodarka rynkowa pl
dc.subject przedsiębiorstwo pl
dc.subject analiza ekonomiczno – finansowa pl
dc.subject strategia rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa pl
dc.subject Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. pl
dc.subject sektor telekomunikacyjny pl
dc.subject pozycja finansowa TP.S.A. pl
dc.subject strategia rozwoju TP.S.A. pl
dc.title Projektowanie rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa w aspekcie efektywności jego funkcjonowania na przykładzie Telekomunikacji Polskiej S.A. pl
dc.type masterThesis pl

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