Need for Corporate Social Responsibility based upon Business Ethics Award Company Intel




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The thesis of this paper is to draw attention to increasing credibility of CSR, to show the importance of evolving market and need for social responsibility together with its guidelines, principles and tools. The author wants to convince the reader that undertaking the use of CSR, giving the example of how it is done in Intel Company, will lead to understanding useful partnerships based upon appreciation of each other’s expectations. Chapter one is aimed at outlining the objective and structure, in order to better understand the presented topic. Chapter two gives the historical roots, general description and different approaches to social responsibility as well as highlights on how important it is to follow guidelines. Chapter two reader shows the need for CSR, shows what is a stakeholder theory and what impact has social responsibility on business nowadays. The next chapter deals with global economy, society, and the impact that CSR has on it. The author presents Intel - its history perspective, timeline and the social responsibility policies it has launched over the years that created opportunities within which Intel became an award CSR winning company.


Słowa kluczowe

corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, global economy, ethics, CSR
