Nalepka, Adam (ed.)Ujwary-Gil, Anna (ed.)2019-02-282019-02-282018Business and non-profit organizations facing increased competition and growing customers' demands : volume 17 : proceedings of the 17th Conference of Scientists and Business People. Tomaszowice, Poland, 18-19 June 2018 / ed. by Adam Nalepka, Anna Ujwary-Gil. - Nowy Targ : Foundation for the Dissemination of Knowledge and Science “Cognitione” ; Nowy Sącz : Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University, 2018. - 661 s.978-83-951082-2-8 accessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandkonkurencyjność przedsiębiorstwaorganizacje dochodowekonsumentorganizacje niedochodoweBusiness and non-profit organizations facing increased competition and growing customers' demandsbook