Bąk, Janusz2013-10-032013-10-032013Business and non-profit organizations facing increased competition and growing customers' demands / ed. by Adam Nalepka, Anna Ujwary-Gil. Nowy Sącz : Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University, cop. 2013. - S. 129-140978-83-88421-82-2http://hdl.handle.net/11199/791Operating in a turbulent environment requires seeking and perfecting tools for information support of the strategic management process. The key activity in this area is to recognize and interpret weak signals and undertake adequate actions which will lead to the strengthening of the strategic position. However, in this process a number of barriers appear, which arise from the dysfunction of the organizational system and thus limiting its ability for early recognition of changes in the environment. In the following article, the author attempts to identify barriers arising in the organizational system on an individual, group and organizational level and their conditionings, as well as to indicate the framework directions of actions enabling improved effectiveness in the functioning of the system.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaweak signalearly recognitionearly warningorganizational barriersBarriers to the early recognition of changes in an organization’s environmentbookPart