Boćko, Bartosz2014-04-152014-04-152007Organizacje komercyjne i niekomercyjne wobec wzmożonej konkurencji i rosnących wymagań konsumentów. Pod red. A. Nalepki. Nowy Sącz : WSB-NLU, 2007. - S. 242-24983-88421-54-9 alliance has become an integral aspect of the corporate strategy. However numerous studies show that 70% of alliances fail. In order to create strategic alliance company should take following steps: programming strategic alliance including view of clear business strategy, a dynamic view on organizational culture, a portfolio approach, an organizational infrastructure; the realization process of strategic alliance, and continue, relaunch, or exit alliance agreement. In article author focused on methodology of building successful strategic alliance.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaMetodyka zarządzania aliansemMethodology for managing strategic alliancebookPart