Kozina, Andrzej2014-04-082014-04-082012Business and Non-Profit Organizations Facing Increase Competition and Growing Customers' Demands. Ed. by A. Nalepka, A. Ujwary-Gil. Nowy Sącz : WSB-NLU, cop. 2012. – S. 45-56978-83-88421-80-8http://hdl.handle.net/11199/7430The objective of this paper is to identify crucial research problems occurring in multiparty negotiations. The formulation of those problems is necessary to elaborate methodological framework for the analysis of such negotiations, in order to find effective tools of conducting them. Firstly, the general idea of multiparty negotiations was presented, pointing out their features in comparison with typical, two-party (bilateral) negotiations. Secondly, in the subsequent parts of the paper, crucial research problems of multiparty negotiations analysis were characterized, according to the dimensions of complexity of such negotiations, namely: informational and computational, social, procedural and strategic ones. Moreover some potential solutions to those problems were suggested as well. Summing up the paper, the subsequent areas of research were pointed out.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskabusiness negotiationsmultiparty negotiationsfeatures of multiparty negotiationscomplexity of multiparty negotiationsstrategies of multiparty negotiationsMultiparty Negotiations – Research Problems FormulationbookPart