Kafel, Tomasz2014-04-102014-04-102011Business and non-profit organizations facing increased competition and growing customers’ demands. Ed. by A. Nalepka, A. Ujwary-Gil. Nowy Sącz : WSB-NLU, cop. 2011. - S. 267-279978-83-88421-79-2http://hdl.handle.net/11199/7456The main purpose of the article is to present the current circumstances of non-government organizations development and the key opportunities and threats in the process of launching ngos into the process of Polish civic society building. In the first part of the paper the stages of non-governmental sector development in Poland are described. The traditions of the so-called Third Sector in Poland and two main causative factors forming its development in the transition time are shown next. The increasing role of non-government organizations in shaping the civic society in Poland as the result of SWOT analysis of civic society is considered in the further parts of the paper.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaNon-governmental sector in Poland – opportunities and threats in the context of creating the civil societybookPart