Banduła, Bartosz2014-04-102014-04-102011Business and non-profit organizations facing increased competition and growing customers’ demands. Ed. by A. Nalepka, A. Ujwary-Gil. Nowy Sącz : WSB-NLU, cop. 2011. - S. 280-289978-83-88421-79-2 Poland, there has been a gradual increase in aspirations and mass higher education. Currently studies are started by more than 40% of young people, which is one of the highest percentages in the EU. At the same time universities report their financial requirements, which would modernize the infrastructure and introduce modern teaching methods. A chance to acquire these funds is ministerial program of ordering education. This article aims to show the importance of EU funding and funding trends in the development of innovative ordered higher education in Poland.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaOrdered education programs as a new area of education development at universitiesbookPart