Baran, Grzegorz2013-07-102013-07-102005Organizacje komercyjne i niekomercyjne wobec wzmożonej konkurencji i rosnących wymagań konsumenta. Pod red. A. Nalepki. Nowy Sącz ; Tarnów : WSB-NLU ; Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Tarnowie, 2005. - S. 13-2683-88421-46-8 social responsibility (CSR) is becoming more and more obvious constitu- ent of management in contemporary business. Executives increasingly see themselves as caught between social critics (demanding higher levels of CSR) and the maximization of profits (demanded by shareholders/owners). The prime solution is to engage in social responsible conduct, thereby improving a company s long-term business prospects. CSR is associated with greater business benefits (e.g. employee and consumer commitment, good relations with the community, a good reputation). Thus more and more companies consi- der the issue of management beyond the narrow economic, technical and legal require- ments and aspire to accomplish social benefits along with the traditional economic gains which the firm seeks.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaspołeczna odpowiedzialność biznesuprzedsiębiorcaSpołeczna odpowiedzialność w zarządzaniu współczesnymi organizacjamiSocial responsibility as a constituent of management in contemporary businessbookPart