Ujwary-Gil, Anna2013-09-282013-09-282010Organisation management : competitiveness, social responsibility, human capital. Ed. by D. Lewicka. Kraków : AGH University of Science and Technology Press, 2010. - s. 255-2709788374642774http://hdl.handle.net/11199/767Artykuł dostępny również na stronie : http://works.bepress.com/anna_ujwary-gil/9/The purpose of this article is a fundamental re-evaluation of the method of VAICTM, which is very often used by researchers around the world, often in major studies assessing the value added produced mainly in the banking sector and in listed companies. It is questionable whether this method deserves such recognition, and whether it should be used for the general studies of the effectiveness of the use of resources both tangible and intangible in creating value for the company. This critical analysis was then presented in the article.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskavalue addedmarket valueintellectual capitalefficiencyThe value added intellectual coefficient - possible indicator of measurement in the knowledge based economybookPart