Filip, Zbigniew2018-07-202018-07-202018-07-20978-83-88421-96-9 z materiałów konferencyjnych: Scientific Research Priorities – 2018: theoretical and practical value. Edited by Justyna Sokołowska-Woźniak, Oleksandr Kendiukhov. Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Research Priorities – 2018: theoretical and practical value”, Nowy Sącz, Poland, 26th-29th of June 2018, Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University, Nowy Sącz, Poland. 2018, vol. 2.One of the foundations of a democratic state of law is the principle of respect for property. In this article, the author wishes to show that in some cases the violation of this right may be allowed and private property may be subject to the requirements of serving others. In practice, this means that under penalty, the owner may be forced to hand over and make available real property and movables. Such a situation may occur in the event of a threat to the security of the state and during the war - then state power under law may legitimately take over vehicles belonging to it, heavy equipment or buildings and land. This legal delegation is called tangible defense services that are an integral part of the state's defense system and are used to assist the Polish Armed Forces during their mobilization.plopen accessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandsiły zbrojnespołeczeństwogospodarka narodowabezpieczeństwoobronnośćedukacja dla bezpieczeństwaświadczenia rzeczowe na rzecz obronymobilizacjaRola społeczeństwa polskiego w zapewnieniu prawidłowego rozwinięcia mobilizacyjnego sił zbrojnych RPconferenceObject