Mori, NeemaMunisi, Gibson2013-06-132013-06-132012Mori, N., Munisi, G., The Role of the Internet in Overcoming Information Barriers: Implications for Exporting SMEs of the East African Community. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI), 2012, vol. 8, nr 2 : Contemporary Management Concepts. Ed. by P. Staliński, s. 60-772299-7326 and medium-sized enterprises play a significant role in the East African Community, contributing highly to the national income and employing a significant number of people. Exportation provides a great opportunity for these enterprises to expand their businesses and improve their performance. However, they encounter a number of information- related barriers before and during exportation. Based on literature, this paper identifies these barriers and discusses how the internet could be used to reduce them. Based on the internet, international business and small business literature, the paper provides propositions and develops a model that will be useful for future studies in this area.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaSMEsInternetexportationinformation barriersEast African CommunityMSPbariery informacyjneeksportWspólnota Afryki WschodniejThe Role of the Internet in Overcoming Information Barriers: Implications for Exporting SMEs of the East African Communityarticle