Jasieński, MichałRzeźnik, Magdalena2016-06-012016-06-012012Jasieński, M., Rzeźnik, M., Innovatics – a new toolbox of skills for innovative production managers [w:] Innovations in management and production engineering. Ed. R. Knosala. Opole : Oficyna Wydaw. PTZP, 2012. - S. 63-71978-83-930399-8-2http://hdl.handle.net/11199/9138We describe a metaphorical “toolbox” for innovatics – a new set of skills for managers who specialize in innovation management and in the study of innovations. We emphasize the importance of quantitative skills, multidisciplinary inspirations and heuristic methods for generatig innovative solutions. Knowledge of organizational behavior is essential to create in the workplace environment conducive to innovativeness.enopen accessinnovation managementcreativitycooperationquantitative methodsscientometricsInnovatics – a new toolbox of skills for innovative production managersbookPart