Flak, Olaf2014-04-082014-04-082012Business and Non-Profit Organizations Facing Increase Competition and Growing Customers' Demands. Ed. by A. Nalepka, A. Ujwary-Gil. Nowy Sącz : WSB-NLU, cop. 2012. – S. 9-18http://hdl.handle.net/11199/7427This paper reflects on the development of management sciences. The author presents which a contemporary researcher encounters during his attempt to explain organizational reality and also some main approaches to theoretical and empirical research in sciences. The reflections are effects of several year of studies on the system of organizational terms.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskamanagement sciencesontologyepistemologysources of knowledgescientific standardsManagement SciencebookPart