Flak, Olaf2016-02-232016-02-232015Business and non-profit organizations facing increased competition and growing customers' demands : vol. 14. Ed. by A. Nalepka, A. Ujwary-Gil. Nowy Sącz : WSB-NLU and Fundacja Upowszechniająca Wiedzę i Naukę “Cognitione”, cop. 2015. - S. 9-22978-83-65196-21-7http://hdl.handle.net/11199/8950Building knowledge about management processes depends on several aspects which are necessary to be taken into consideration during any research in that field. In the paper such theoretical dilemmas of creating knowledge about activities in management area can be found: specification of borders of scientific cognition, the perspectives of questions and expected answers, the differences between quality and quantity approaches, a choice of a research method, the possibilities of the verification of the hypotheses, conducting inference and the borders of an explanation in management science.enopen accessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandepistemologyfactsqualitative approachquantitative approachmixed methodreasoningEpistemological Dilemmas in Management ResearchbookPart