Wydział Nauk Społecznych i Informatyki / College of Social and Computer Sciences
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Przeglądaj Wydział Nauk Społecznych i Informatyki / College of Social and Computer Sciences wg Autor "Boćko, Bartosz"
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Pozycja Metodyka zarządzania aliansem(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2007) Boćko, BartoszStrategic alliance has become an integral aspect of the corporate strategy. However numerous studies show that 70% of alliances fail. In order to create strategic alliance company should take following steps: programming strategic alliance including view of clear business strategy, a dynamic view on organizational culture, a portfolio approach, an organizational infrastructure; the realization process of strategic alliance, and continue, relaunch, or exit alliance agreement. In article author focused on methodology of building successful strategic alliance.Pozycja Przyczynek do badania koncepcji opartych na poznaniu i zrozumieniu istotnych czynników kształtujących alianse strategiczne przedsiębiorstw(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2009) Boćko, BartoszContemporary organization operate in complex, highly volatile, and stochastic environments. A large number of interacting variables lead to unpredictable results. It is therefore necessary to study the components of the environment, and the relationships among them, as well as identify their unique properties, so that predictions can be made with an appropriate time lag. Early recognition systems make it possible to cope with turbulent environments. The following article offers a literature review with the goal of identifying universal phases in the operation of early recognition systems.