Sources of Socio-Economic Development, 2017, vol. 13, issue 4


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  • Pozycja
    Developing Entrepreneurial Skills. An Educational and Intercultural Perspective
    (Fundacja Upowszechniająca Wiedzę i Naukę "Cognitione" / Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis Univeristy, 2017) Leon, Ramona-Diana
    The research aims to determine how the economic and business administration faculties within the European Union member states are contributing to the development of students’ entrepreneurial skills. Therefore, a case study strategy is employed which concentrates on the most important business schools from the European Union member states; thus, 267 syllabuses from 21 higher education institutions are identified and analyzed. The results prove that European business schools manage to develop most of the required entrepreneurial skills among their students. Their graduates are both task and people oriented. On the one hand, they value performance, are capable of solving problems and taking calculated risks. On the other hand, they know how to communicate and collaborate within a team. Besides, it may be stated that the analyzed educational programs are combining the “about entrepreneurship” approach with “for entrepreneurship” perspective; they focus on developing cognitive, functional, and behavioral competences by combining lectures with active learning techniques. These actions are influenced by cultural specificity and have an impact on a country’s capacity to be a top performer, in terms of entrepreneurship development. These findings have both theoretical and practical implications. On a theoretical level, they extend the literature regarding the development of entrepreneurial skills by providing concrete information about the skills on which the academic curricula focus. On a practical level, they provide valuable insights regarding the skills that the future entrepreneurs will have; these will influence their behavior in a business environment no matter whether they will choose to be the owner of a business or an enterprising employee.
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    The Impact of Trust on Entrepreneurship in Poland
    (Fundacja Upowszechniająca Wiedzę i Naukę "Cognitione" / Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis Univeristy, 2017) Młokosiewicz, Marta; Misiak-Kwit, Sandra
    In the global rankings of generalized trust, Poland occupies a lowly position. Only 1/3 of Poles have a strong trust in strangers and roughly the same number believe that trust in business generally pays off. At the same time, only half of them believe that a market economy based on private enterprise is the best economic system for the country. According to the literature review a major factor in the development of entrepreneurship is trust in other economic actors. The aim of the article is to present the relation between trust and entrepreneurial activities in Poland. In this paper the hypothesis was adopted that the level of trust in the public sphere, especially in business relations in Poland, had an impact on the intensity of entrepreneurial activities. The analysed period comprises the years from 2002 to 2016. The article presents changes in the potential for social trust, including trust in business. Indicators of confidence include the percentage of people that have trust in different actors in Poland. A further part of the paper is devoted to the phenomenon of entrepreneurship in Poland. Among the indicators of entrepreneurship are the number of newly registered and deregistered entities, and entities that are new or deregistered from the REGON register per 10 thousand of population. Moreover, the innovation activity of enterprises in Poland has been described. At the end, relations between trust and entrepreneurial activities in Poland were examined. The data was analysed statistically with Pearson’s correlation coefficients. The analysis of confidence and entrepreneurship is based mainly on the data published by the Polish Central Statistical Office and Public Opinion Research Centre.
  • Pozycja
    Relationships between Trust and Collaborative Culture in The Context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing
    (Fundacja Upowszechniająca Wiedzę i Naukę "Cognitione" / Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis Univeristy, 2017) Kucharska, Wioleta
    The literature review presents a lot of theoretical and empirical evidence that trust affects collaborative culture. The opposite also proves to be true: collaborative culture influences trust. The main hypothesis presented in this paper says that both these factors are strongly correlated and modify each other. This study examines the mutual relationship of the said variables in the context of tacit knowledge sharing based on research conducted among 514 Polish professionals performing different functions, and having various experience in managing projects, in the construction industry. The results obtained in the course of the study indicate that there is not only a strong correlation between trust and collaborative culture but both of them have a strong influence on tacit knowledge sharing. The main managerial implication of the study is the importance of stimulating the growth of both collaborative culture and trust. receiving a strong synergy effect will make it possible to leverage tacit knowledge sharing as an agent contributing to a company’s performance.
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    Theoretical and Methodical Aspects of Crowdsourcing: Effectiveness and Its Measuring
    (Fundacja Upowszechniająca Wiedzę i Naukę "Cognitione" / Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis Univeristy, 2017) Lenart-Gansiniec, Regina
    In our times, a growing interest of organizations, including also the public ones, in crowdsourcing, can be observed. It enables to acquire knowledge located in virtual communities. However, despite many benefits, crowdsourcing initiatives very often fail. Therefore, a need for their evaluation is recognized. Nonetheless, in the subject literature, a shortfall of criteria and methods of evaluating crowdsourcing may be observed. The existing proposals do not ensure a comprehensive picture of crowdsourcing, and they do not take into account its multidimensionality. The article is intended for a presentation of the ways of evaluating crowdsourcing and an original proposal of a list of indicators, which may be used for evaluating crowdsourcing in public organizations. The article presents the original proposal of activities, by which it is possible to assess the degree of implementation of the adopted tasks and determine the level of obtained crowdsourcing results. The conducted research allowed to recognize that it is possible to measure crowdsourcing results using quantitative and qualitative indicators. A prerequisite for selecting the appropriate means is first of all to indicate the purposes for which crowdsourcing should be used.
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    Measuring the Social Impact of Infrastructure Projects: The Case of Gdańsk International Fair Co.
    (Fundacja Upowszechniająca Wiedzę i Naukę "Cognitione" / Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis Univeristy, 2017) ZAmojska, Anna; Próchniak, Joanna
    Efficient infrastructure is a prerequisite of, and critical to, development. Only some projects generate a positive rate of return, but all of them should generate positive non-economic impacts and contribute social gains. Social impact is considered as a consequence or effect of decisions or interventions which lead to development. It can also be considered as a social consequence of development. The main problem of social costs and benefits is that the impact is difficult to predict and quantify and can be taken into account differently by authorities, decision makers and project developers. The main purpose of the paper is to identify and demonstrate a concept of the social impact of infrastructure projects. The principal methods used are a review of existing social science literature and surveys based on focus group interviews, devoted stakeholders of infrastructure projects, and their involvement at different stages of the project. The expected result is a set of outputs and outcomes which demonstrates social impacts (costs and benefits) related to stakeholders’ groups of the analyzed project.
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    A Framework for the Evaluation of the Feasibility of Public – Private Partnership in Local Government in Serbia
    (Fundacja Upowszechniająca Wiedzę i Naukę "Cognitione" / Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis Univeristy, 2017) Benkovic, Sladjana; Milanovic, Nemanja; Milosavljevic, Milos
    The adoption of the New Law for Local Government Financing is currently underway in a Serbian Parliament procedure. The goal of the new law is the creation of clear government regulations which will define the system of financing for local government entities. This will furthermore create an environment of stability and predictability with regard to revenue planning when preparing local government entities’ budgets, as well as achieving a vertical balance when distributing revenues amongst various state levels. Additionally, these goals are reflected in the establishment of a system to increase the share of public investment in the total expenses of counties and cities, as well as in the vertical balance with regard to the distribution of revenue and jurisdiction at various state levels. In that sense, it is preferable to understand financial models such as public-private partnerships, which have still not, to an adequate degree, been adopted in Serbia, but one which could potentially contribute to the introduction of additional sources of local government financing. In order to better perceive the current capacities of this model of financing local government in Serbia, a study was conducted during the spring and summer of 2016, taking into account a sample of 150 examinees. The results of the study indicate very low human resource and technical capacities in local government with regard to realizing and comprehending the concept of public-private partnership.