Wybrane determinanty sprawności świadczenia usług administracyjnych w urzędach administracji samorządowe




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Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu


After the reform in January 1st, 1999 Polish public administration has been divided into three levels, with following basic units a community, a county and a voivodeship. These units of local self-government should provide public services for the locals but generally they fulfill their tasks below standard,an effect of which is considerable public dissatisfaction. The study undertakes to distinguish the prerequisites for the efficient realization of public services. The introduction contains a definition of public services and presents the concept of a system approach to self-government administration. It has been assumed that the improvement of the organization of self-government administration concerns two areas: the organizational structure and the administrative procedures relevant for the realization of public services. This approach enabled the author to distinguish the prerequisites for the efficient realization of public services, which were characterized in the consecutive part of the study. The conclusion presents the areas and methods for the improvement of the organization of self-government administration institutions.


Słowa kluczowe


Organizacje komercyjne i niekomercyjne wobec wzmożonej konkurencji i rosnących wymagań konsumentów. Pod red. A. Nalepki. Nowy Sącz : WSB-NLU, 2007. - S. 294-308