Analiza porównawcza rynku hotelarskiego na przykładzie dwóch podobnych regionów
2014-09-11 12:42:32
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Przedmiotem badań w tej pracy była problematyka sezonowości w turystyce, a dokładnie na przykładzie dwóch uzdrowiskowych miast Krynicy-Zdroju oraz Szczawnicy. Podczas obserwacji zauważono iż większa popularnością latem cieszy się Szczawnica natomiast zimą Krynica-Zdrój. Było to powodem powstania tej pracy, przeprowadzenia badań, które miały dać odpowiedzi na pytania związane z tym trendem oraz wysnuciu wniosków.
Celem pracy była analiza porównawcza dwóch podobnych do siebie regionów, dysponujących podobnym potencjałem. Po sformułowaniu tez, zweryfikowano je. Do tego celu użyte zostały badania oraz własne przemyślenia. W celu uzyskania odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące tez użyta została ankieta, dane statystyczne GUS oraz analiza POS. Podczas analizowania wyników badań można było określić zadowolenie klientów, standard miejsc, w których mogli się zatrzymać, wartość atrakcji, z których mogli korzystać goście, ilość miejsc jakimi mogli dysponować oraz stopień zadowolenia z usług, z których mogli skorzystać. Wyniki, które udało się osiągnąć pokazały iż bardzo ważna dla obydwu miast jest sezonowość, która w dużej mierze wynika z walorów, które bezpośrednio występują w najbliższej okolicy porównywanych miast. Pokazały również iż miasta te posiadają bardzo duży potencjał, który nie jest w pełni wykorzystany, co częściowo zwiększa sezonowość.
The subject of the research in this dissertation was the issue of seasonality in tourism, specifically on the example of two spa towns Krynica-Zdrój and Szczawnica. It has been noted that Szczawnica is more popular in the summer while Krynica-Zdrój in winter. This was the reason for the creation of this work, conducting research, which were designed to give answers to questions related to this trend and to draw conclusions. The aim of the study was to compare two regions similar to each other, equipped with comparable potential. After formulating thesis, they were verified. For this purpose, research and own thoughts were used. In order to obtain answers to questions posed in the thesis the survey, statistical data from GUS and analysis of POS were also used. When analyzing the results of research customer satisfaction, the standard of places where they could stay, the values of attractions, which guests could use, the amount of vacancies they could use and the degree of satisfaction with the services they could use were determined. The results that have been achieved have shown that for both cities seasonality is crucial, which is largely the result of the assets which directly occur in the vicinity of both cities. It was also shown that these cities have a very high potential which is not fully utilized, partly increasing their seasonality.
The subject of the research in this dissertation was the issue of seasonality in tourism, specifically on the example of two spa towns Krynica-Zdrój and Szczawnica. It has been noted that Szczawnica is more popular in the summer while Krynica-Zdrój in winter. This was the reason for the creation of this work, conducting research, which were designed to give answers to questions related to this trend and to draw conclusions. The aim of the study was to compare two regions similar to each other, equipped with comparable potential. After formulating thesis, they were verified. For this purpose, research and own thoughts were used. In order to obtain answers to questions posed in the thesis the survey, statistical data from GUS and analysis of POS were also used. When analyzing the results of research customer satisfaction, the standard of places where they could stay, the values of attractions, which guests could use, the amount of vacancies they could use and the degree of satisfaction with the services they could use were determined. The results that have been achieved have shown that for both cities seasonality is crucial, which is largely the result of the assets which directly occur in the vicinity of both cities. It was also shown that these cities have a very high potential which is not fully utilized, partly increasing their seasonality.
Słowa kluczowe
sezonowość, hotelarstwo, walory przyrodnicze, turystyka, seasonality, hospitality, natural assets, tourism