Tools of motivation in a small enterprise




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu



The main aim of this thesis is to outline the possible theoretical stances referring to the phenomenon of motivation. This phenomenon; however, is to be viewed trough the prism of motivation of workers. The first chapter introduces the most appreciated and vital theoretical stances which are to present the possible realizations of motivation, mainly on the strength of psychological theories. These are the Maslov’s Hierarchy of Needs, which is considered to be the first research about human motivation. The other theories touch upon the motivation as viewed in working conditions: Theory X and Theory Y, Motivation- Hygiene Theory which are the early ones. Consequently, the theories included in this thesis embrace the ERG Theory, Theory of Needs, Goal-Setting Theory well as Reinforcement Theory, Equity Theory, and finally Expectancy Theory. These constitute the starting point for the further analyses carried out in my thesis. Chapter two develops the theoretical stances into their practical applicability. The theoretical stances are introduced as practicable motivation devices, which enables me to analyze them in terms of concrete working conditions. The subchapter to chapter two is devoted to the explanation of some barriers to motivation, which are important for a manager. Further on, chapter three presents the realization of the motivation devices on the basis of a hairdressers-beauty studio. In this chapter the main emphasis is put on the actual realization of the workers’ motivation process. Moreover, the reader gets informed about the detailed procedures that are used in that studio in order to exert a desired motivation level. Finally, the chapter four includes the conclusive statements and remarks upon the data gathered and analyzed in previous chapters and presents my own conclusions concerning the notion of motivation and its applicability to working force conditions.


Słowa kluczowe

motivation, hierarchy of needs theory, theories of needs, motivation tools, barriers to motivation
