Entrepreneurial Orientation and Opportunities, 2013, vol. 9, issue 3
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Pozycja Entrepreneurial Orientation in Mexican Microenterprises(Nowy Sacz School of Business – National-Louis University, 2013) Montiel Campos, Héctor; Alvarado Acuña, Luis S.; Nuño de la Parra, José Pablo; Aguilar Valenzuela, Francisco A.Over the past 30 years research on Entrepreneurship Orientation (EO) has provided valuable information regarding strategy, entrepreneurship and aspects of performance at the firm-level. In the entrepreneurial universe, microenterprises play a very special role in the business context of the economy. However, they have not been relatively present in the EO research. This paper studies the EO-performance relationship in a group of microenterprises in Mexico and includes the Dominant Logic (DL) as a variable that moderates this relationship. The results indicate that risk taking, proactiveness and competitive aggressiveness variables from the EO influence the microenterprise performance. In addition, the external DL conceptualization moderates the EO-performance relationship. This paper shows the conclusions of the investigation as well as the limitations and identifies future research methods.Pozycja Evidence of Opportunity and Necessity Driven Entrepreneurship in Nigeria(Nowy Sacz School of Business – National-Louis University, 2013) Garba, Abubakar S.; Djafar, Fariastuti; Abu Mansor, ShazaliThe objective of this paper is to examine the influence of poverty, unemployment and GDP on entrepreneurship. Time series data for 31 years was collected from various official sources for the analysis. Vector autoregressive (VAR) framework was adopted to systematically capture the rich dynamic of multiple time series. Other tests conducted were unit root test, Johansen and Juselius (1990) co-integration test, Granger causality and dynamic model analysis beyond the sample. It was found that poverty and GDP influence entrepreneurship negatively, while unemployment influences entrepreneurship positively. The paper reveals the presence of both opportunity and necessity driven entrepreneurs in the country. There is a need for the government to revisit the existing policy on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to adequately address the problem of the poor and unemployed by availing them with the opportunity to engage in entrepreneurship. Future study should consider mitigating the effect of frequent entry and exit from entrepreneurship in their data to correctly predict the effect of entrepreneurship on the economy.Pozycja Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Performance of Government-Linked Companies (GLCs)(Nowy Sacz School of Business – National-Louis University, 2013) Koe, Wei-LoonQuite often, people have negative views on government-linked companies (GLCs) due to the unsatisfactory performance of some key players. In order to improve the performance of GLCs in the country, Malaysian government implemented GLC Transformation Program (GLCT) in 2004. As the program is approaching its ending phase, some efforts are needed to assess the performance of GLCs. This study aimed to examine the influence of EO dimensions on the performance of GLCs. The sample of this study consisted of 153 subsidiaries and branches of G20. Based on the multiple regression analysis performed, this study found that all the five dimensions in EO, namely innovativeness (INNO), pro-activeness (PROA), risk-taking (RISK), competitive aggressiveness (COMP) and autonomy (AUTO) recorded significant positive effects on performance of GLCs. Competitive aggressiveness was identified as the most important factor that influences the performance of GLCs. As such, all the hypotheses developed for this study were supported. The results suggested that EO is not only suitable to be applied in privately owned companies, but also in GLCs. Hence, GLCs should not be perceived as public entities and they should be more entrepreneurial in managing their organizations to achieve high performance. Furthermore, this study also verified that EO is a good determinant of GLCs’ performance. At the end of this paper, recommendations for future research have been put forth.Pozycja How Korean Venture Capitals Invest In New Technology Ventures(Nowy Sacz School of Business – National-Louis University, 2013) Choi, YoungkeunIn the entrepreneurship field, this study examines what kinds of external endorsements are helpful for venture capitals investment and the growth of new technology ventures in developing countries. This study uses the signalling theory and the methodologies of multiple regression and survival analysis with the panel data of the ventures in Korea. In the results, collaboration with business groups and certification of government are positively influential in attracting venture capitals’ investment, which accelerate the growth of new technology ventures. The practical implication for entrepreneurs is that they need to obtain the endorsement from business groups and governments strategically.Pozycja Entrepreneurial Intention Determinants: An Empirical Model and a Case of Iranian Students in Malaysia(2013) Papzan, Abdolhamid; Afsharzade, Nashmil; Moradia, KhadijehThis study investigated entrepreneurial intention among graduate students of USM**** Engineering Campus. Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB; Ajzen), we examined the empirical model of entrepreneurial intention determinants. Although research has been conducted in entrepreneurial intention, limited study has been done among Iranian graduate students who are studying abroad. This research aims to fill this gap using Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EIQ, version 3.1). Accordingly, a survey study was applied and Iranian graduate students of the USM Engineering Campus were studied using the census method. The authors propose an empirical model and tested its reliability and validity using structural equation modeling. Data was analyzed using Spss16 and Amos18 software. Results revealed that the level of knowledge about business sources of assistance for entrepreneurs in addition to components of the TPB, affected entrepreneurial intention. Empirical model ‘s goodness of fit indices indicated good model fit χ2=1.047, df=2, probability 0.592; NFI= 0.981; CFI= 1.000; RMSEA=0.000). It seems that current empirical model could be a guide for future research on this important topic.