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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 22
  • Pozycja
    The Principles of Implementing Early Recognition Systems in an Organization
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University in Nowy Sącz, 2014) Bąk, Janusz; Baran, Grzegorz
    In the context of the turbulent environment, contemporary organizations have to work out and implement tools enabling them to handle the turbulence, and primarily, to avoid negative consequences of these processes. The tools are related, among others, to obtaining and providing managers, sufficiently in advance, with adequate management information on the environment. Early Recognition Systems (ERS) are a response to such conditions of the organization functioning and the challenge in respect of information support for decision-making processes. Unfortunately, they are mainly of informalized character, dispersed on various levels and in various functional areas of organizations, and very often based on unconscious, habitual actions, and, in consequence, their advancement and effectiveness are low. Based on the main characteristics of early recognition systems, the article presents the framework procedure of systemic solutions in the area of early recognition, which is supposed to enable formally organized activities within this scope.
  • Pozycja
    The Social Engagement as a Source of Innovation
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University in Nowy Sącz, 2014) Baran, Grzegorz; Bąk, Janusz
    Innovation, innovation economy, innovation management are all crucial issues in both theory and practice of management. The purpose of this paper is to provide mechanisms for the use of corporate community involvement in public affairs as a source of innovation for both business organizations and in relation to ways of solving social problems and pursuing public purposes. The use of business engagement in social affairs as a source and inspiration for innovation and the mechanisms of responsible use of that business engagement by community and public organizations were analyzed. Companies have discovered that social problems have their economic side and the involvement in solving the problems of the public sector can strongly stimulate their own business processes. The new paradigm for innovation grows in the field of cooperation between private business and public interest, generating positive and permanent changes for both sides. There is a strong need for the cause social responsiveness and increased social sensitivity, not only on the side of the business but also in public organizations.
  • Pozycja
    Barriers to the early recognition of changes in an organization’s environment
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University in Nowy Sącz, 2013) Bąk, Janusz
    Operating in a turbulent environment requires seeking and perfecting tools for information support of the strategic management process. The key activity in this area is to recognize and interpret weak signals and undertake adequate actions which will lead to the strengthening of the strategic position. However, in this process a number of barriers appear, which arise from the dysfunction of the organizational system and thus limiting its ability for early recognition of changes in the environment. In the following article, the author attempts to identify barriers arising in the organizational system on an individual, group and organizational level and their conditionings, as well as to indicate the framework directions of actions enabling improved effectiveness in the functioning of the system.
  • Pozycja
    Wpływ zarządzania zapasami na wartość przedsiębiorstwa
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2010) Ciepielowska-Sroka, Małgorzata
    The article presents the core of the reserve management. Taking important decisions we have to take into account the optimal level of reserves. The aim of reserve management is to formulate a policy leading to optimal investment in reserves.
  • Pozycja
    Przejrzystość i legitymizacja działań jako składowa społecznie odpowiedzialnego zarządzania w organizacjach publicznych
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2010) Baran, Grzegorz
    For some time we can observe the increasing popularity of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as the direction dominant over the classical economic model first in the United States, and then also in many countries of the European Union. A necessary element of effective implementation of CSR in public organizations are their transparency and legitimacy. This article aims to formulate the problem of the role of public organizations responsibility for the transparency of activities undertaken in the context of the pursuit of such a transformation of public management that these organizations have become much more socially responsible. For the wording of the problem is much broader argument that says that deficits in social responsibility in public organizations do not arise only because of people, but above all because the wrong management structure. Management in public organizations may not be a simple reflection of that known from the commercial sector.
  • Pozycja
    Wpływ wartości dla klienta na zadowolenie, lojalność oraz rekomendacje - studium przypadku Wyższej Szkoły Biznesu
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2010) Stach, Przemysław; Bąk, Janusz
    The paper aims to verify a hypothesized positive influence of perceived customer value on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth likelihood. The authors present empirical evidence coming from their own research to support the hypothesized relationships, as well as offer directions for further research. The empirical section of the paper is preceded by the presentation of the relevant concepts.
  • Pozycja
    The concept of creating and operating the early recognition system
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University in Nowy Sącz, 2011) Bąk, Janusz
    Operating in a turbulent environment requires – both from academicians and practitioners - to seek, and perfect tools for an information support of the strategic management process. The information support is believed to limit uncertainty in decision making situations through better understanding their context. An answer to the needs of contemporary organizations, and at the same time an area of necessary scientific enquiry is information support of their strategic management, and the concept of early recognition. In the following article, the concept of an early recognition system has been presented in its important three research aspects : functional, processual, and structural. Moreover, empirical study results have been offered verifying the relationships among selected elements which make up the theorized model of an early recognition system.
  • Pozycja
    Controlling wartości przedsiębiorstwa
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2009) Ciepielowska-Sroka, Małgorzata
    Controlling is considered by many managers a logical and coherent answer for processes taking place inside the enterprise, as well as economic environment. The paper presents scope and design of value controlling organization in an enterprise.
  • Pozycja
    Raportowanie jako ważny element powiązania społecznej odpowiedzialności ze strategią organizacji
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2009) Baran, Grzegorz
    For some time we can observe the increasing popularity of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as the direction dominant over the classical economic model first in the United States, and then also in many countries of the European Union. A necessary element of effective implementation of CSR in organizations is reporting the effects of social activity. The purpose of this article is to present the nature of the social reporting, being a part of the link with the organization strategy and the adopted business model. Because there are quite a large discrepancy in the ways of perception of what CSR is, an attempt was made to recognize the responsibility to be able to convert it in the form of areas and indicators of reporting.
  • Pozycja
    Wpływ podejścia partnerskiego usługodawcy na potencjał relacyjny usługobiorcy - próba empirycznej weryfikacji hipotezy
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2009) Stach, Przemysław
    In the article, the author provides a tentative verification of a hypothesis of a considerable influence of the relational approach demonstrated by a service-provider on a customer’s relational potential. The author offers the conceptualization of key constructs, uses the methodology of path analysis in the form of structural equation modeling (SEM, supported by Amos 17.0 used at the data analysis stage) to confirm his hypothesis, and suggests a possible causal link between the key constructs.
  • Pozycja
    Wpływ kosztu kapitału na wartość przedsiębiorstwa
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2008) Ciepielowska-Sroka, Małgorzata
    The article discusses the meaning of the cost of capital in the process of the company value creating. Capital structure and cost of capital are one of the key company affecting current economic results of enterprise and profitability of its development.
  • Pozycja
    Pomiar lojalności na rynku usług - empiryczna weryfikacja trafności wybranych symptomów lojalności
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2008) Stach, Przemysław
    The purpose of this paper is to examine empirically hypothesized validity of a set of symptoms of customer loyalty. Inspired by the customer loyalty literature, the author sets a number of hypotheses, which are then verified using primary data coming from a sample of 693 valid responses. The author found empirical evidence of significant, yet weak relationship between prefer- ence for the service-provider when faced with a choice, and commitment to continue using provider’s services. Unfortunately, the confirmed symptoms are not able to fully account for customer loyalty, which implies the need to identify other valid symptoms to complement the model. In addition to that, it seems reasonable to seek further verification of the obtained results in a series of studies conducted in a variety of specific service contexts.
  • Pozycja
    Rola analizy otoczenia w procesie zarządzania strategicznego
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2008) Bąk, Janusz
    Strategic management process, which leads to formulating and implementing a strategy, needs to be supported by a knowledge database containing relevant information about the organization’s external and internal environments. It aims to evaluate the organization’s current strategic situation as well as to anticipate the future course of change. The objective of this paper is discuss the essence of environmental analysis and the functions it serves in the process of strategic management.
  • Pozycja
    Identification and Interpretation of the Importance of Customer Service Satisfaction Factors
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University, 2012) Stach, Przemysław; Staliński, Piotr; Stawicka, Monika
    Customer satisfaction is shaped by their experience over the whole supplier - customer relation cycle, i.e., throughout a pre-transactional, transactional and post-transactional phase, respectively. Customer service is the process that unites all three phases. Therefore planning efficient customer service should be based on the priorities which customers value most in the process and which have the strongest impact on their satisfaction. The literature and practice indicate at least two ways which allow one to establish customer-perceived significance of market offerings’ attributes. However, each way leads to a different customer’s reality and supports different managerial decisions. Understanding of those alternative ways enables decision-makers to take more appropriate steps and consequently achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction. In this article, we attempt to uncover the implications of alternative procedures to identify customer perceived importance of market offering aspects: stated importance and derived importance. We verify our claims using the data from an exploratory study of personal insulin pumps users.
  • Pozycja
    Wykorzystanie zarządzania projektami w rozwiązywaniu ważnych kwestii społecznych
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University, 2007) Baran, Grzegorz
    The goal of the paper is to show the means of using project management to deal with important social issues. Corporate Social Responsibility was analyzed as the example of the important social issue. The engagement of business in social activities is growing in mature democratic states. The significant aspect of corporate social responsibility is that being guided by its principles is useful and profitable both for society and for business. The aim of the paper is to develop basic management strategies of dealing with important social issues. The strategies should be able to adopt by any individual, group or organization, regardless of the enterprise or industry involved.
  • Pozycja
    Wartość przedsiębiorstwa dla akcjonariuszy
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2007) Ciepielowska, Małgorzata
    The article takes value maximization as a main goal of the company. Adaptation of management methods focusing of building shareholders’ value by American enterprises resulted in the growth their competitiveness on the global market. Realization of this purpose is not contradicted with superior objective of these organizations. In this way in the practice of enterprises’ have been appeared Value Based Management concept.
  • Pozycja
    Koncepcja badania zaawansowania systemu wczesnego rozpoznania
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu, 2007) Bąk, Janusz
    In order to ensure an effective performance of an organization in a vola- tile environment, one cannot do without a study of the ongoing changes within the environment. It is especially imperative to anticipate crises through the identification of opportunities and threats and this is possible thanks to detect- ing and interpreting weak signals, which hint imminent strategic surprises. It is thus necessary to continue perfecting tools which attempt to improve the executives’ knowledgeability of the potential threats and opportunities. This paper discusses issues associated with studies of the advancement level of the early warning system employed in an organization.
  • Pozycja
    Założenia metodyczne badania systemu wczesnego rozpoznania organizacji gospodarczych
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu ; Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Tarnowie, 2005) Bąk, Janusz
    The objective of the paper is the presentation of the methodical assumptions for the research of an early recognition system. These assumptions will then serve as a basis for the empirical research operationalization. The paper presents theoretical achievements in the field of early recognition systems as well as a strategy for further research.
  • Pozycja
    Estymacja wartości godziwej w aspekcie przejęcia przedsiębiorstwa
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu ; Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Tarnowie, 2005) Ciepielowska, Małgorzata
    The article presents the procedure of valuing a company based on an estimation of the prices all of the particular assets and liabilities using the fair value method. The above mentioned approach is based on the assumption of the true value approximation of the particular balance sheet elements according to the International Accounting Standards which leads to the estimation of the expected selling price of the company.
  • Pozycja
    Analiza wykorzystania przez przedsiębiorstwa strategii nakierowanych na konkurentów
    (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu ; Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Tarnowie, 2005) Rawski, Marek
    In the text there are presented the results of research on the strategies directed towards competitors used in companies performing on consumer goods market in Poland. The strategy towards competitors is the third marketing strategy component ñ it have to respect two other higher level strategies. That kind of strategy is recognized as a set of rules framing operational activities in enterprises, that shape their relations with compe- titors. Basic decisions requirements are: qualifying the main features of building superio- rity to competitors and creating the style of competing on the market. There are three strategies for building a competitive advantage over market rivals: cost leadership strate- gy, focus strategy, and differentiation strategy. According to research results in 1999 there were 36% of companies checked that conducted cots leadership strategy (31% in 2003), whereas differentiation strategy was used by 51% of companies (23% in 2003). One can list four kinds of competitive strategies styles: ìcareful challengerî, ìaggressive challengerî, ìstable leaderî, and ìyoung leaderî. The research results show that all four kinds of strategies were used. The most commonly used was ìstable leaderî strategy ñ in 47% of companies in 1999 and 50% in 2003. The ìCareful leaderî strategy was conducted in 30% in 1999 as well as in 2003. The îYoung leaderî strategy was present in 15% of companies in 1999 and in 12% of them in 2003. ìThe ìAggressive challengerî strategy was introduced in 7% of companies in years 1999 and 2003.