Nowy Sącz Academic Review, 2009, no. 5
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Nowy Sącz Academic Review is a scientific journal (ISSN 1734 – 1590) published annually by Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National Louis University, Zielona 27, 33-300 Nowy Sącz, Poland. The journal is primarily published on line at
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Pozycja Goal Orientations in the Context of Human Subjectivity(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University, 2009) Trzebińska, MonikaThe purpose of this article is to present goal orientations in terms of manifestations of human subjectivity. Subjectivity is a collection of attributes that make a person influence the way of his or her own actions. These attributes belong to the cognitive, emotional, motivational, and executive spheres. Goal orientation is a good example of a complex construct, covering all these spheres. Goal orientation is a way in which an individual interprets, evaluates and reacts to achievement situations. Four goal orientations are distinguished: learning orientation, avoidance orientation, self-enhancing ego orientation and self-defeating ego orientation. They are a combination of two forms of achievement motivation (approach and avoidance) and two orientations under the competence definition adopted by subject – ego involvement and task involvement. The article presents the possibilities of concluding on subjectivity on the basis of the structure of goal orientations and analyses the opportunities and constraints related to regarding the goal orientations as manifestations of subjectivity.Pozycja Homo Communicans – Personalistic Determinants of Communication in Context of Media(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University, 2009) Drożdż, MichałThe aim of this article is to present the communication process as an act of a person who, as a communicating being, constitutes himself the basic criteria and determinants of communication. It means that communication as an act of human being is above all personally determined. Therefore, speaking about communication, we understand it mainly as a manifestation of human rationality, as a process of communicating in the context of human rationality, as an intrapersonal, interpersonal or collective process. In this article, above all, we try to use the universal meaning of the ‘person in the action’ and to accommodate the scheme of thinking and arguing of Wojtyła to the analyses of the presence and communicative acts of a person. Following this point of view, any communication, even through media, is an act of a person and a participation in communication relations with other people. Also our analyses endeavor to be a communication study through the prism of a person. Referring to the aforementioned Wojtyła’s thought, in the course of our analyses we will try to show that a human being is an integrating subject of his communication activities and a platform of integration of intersubjective media activities. Therefore, it can be said that a person is homo communicus and homo communicans and, conversely, that homo communicus that becomes homo communicans is a person.Pozycja Participative Personal Projects - a Chance for Meaningful and Fulfilling Occupational Life? Work Related Personal Projects Analysis(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University, 2009) Żmuda, GrzegorzAlthough research on employee participation is of interest to many managers, psychologists, sociologists and organizational scientists, studies on psychological aspects of participation are not satisfactory. This paper presents an alternative approach to examining organizational participation by using personal projects perspective which allows to examine psychological aspects of the individual person acting together with others in the organizational context. The results imply that participative projects lead to self-realization more often than non-participative projects as well as they are more controllable and perceived as more likely to end with success.Pozycja Personalistic Psychology of Management: An Option for Critical Management Studies(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University, 2009) Stocki, RyszardCritical management studies try to address many management issues that traditional management studies haven’t been able to solve for many years. In this volume we propose personalism to be an approach that may inspire critical management studies and offer new perspectives.. We start with two philosophical papers; one addressing the problem of self-determination and the other the problem of communication. They show how philosophical and anthropological concept influences the thinking in areas close to management studies. With the third chapter we enter the world of psychology and may see how personalistic approach changes the view of human predispositions and competencies. The fourth paper leads us further in understanding of human being into the world of goal-setting and goal orientations. The last three papers show CMS in empirical studies of management practice. First it is the issue of work related personal projects, then participative management of project teams and finally research on trust with conclusions on why employees either trust or do not trust their managers. In this paper I propose explanation how the presented papers could impact the critical management studies and how to continue this approach.Pozycja Trust Towards Managers, Perceived Managerial Responsibility and Individual Effectiveness: Exploring Organizational Outcomes of Trust Beliefs(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University, 2009) Prokopowicz, PiotrTrust has become a very useful explanatory device in organizational science. This paper presents and clarifies the current psychological debate on trust, verifies the Integrative Model of Organizational Trust in the natural organizational setting, suggests perceived responsibility as additional trust antecedent and analyzes the possible influence that trust towards managers has on employee engagement and performance. The results imply that among trust antecedents, perceived managerial benevolence and integrity influence trust towards managers heavily, while perceived ability of managers has substantial impact on employee work engagement. The possibility of distinguishing domain-general trust and domain-specific confidence as separate aspects of trust is discussed.Pozycja Human Predispositions and Personal Competences(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University, 2009) Uchnast, ZenonThe topic of personal psychology is presented from a perspective of achievements in humanistic psychology (M. Kinget), proprium psychology (G. Allport), personalistic psychology (J. DuBois), and also with reference to the assumptions of the Self-Determination Theory of E. Deci and R. Ryan. Nonetheless, a particular subject of interest are the assumptions of W. Stern’s personalistic approach crucial in psychology and its way of psychological interpretation of natural, human personal predispositions, which are the basis of development of personal competences to perform specifically human activities. With reference to W. Stern’s conception of the person as the subject of psychological analysis, I present a model of the dimensions of the structure of dispositions of the human person as a proactive subject. Next, I point to the possibility of formulating research hypotheses and their empirical verification in the scope of individual differences between empirically distinguished character types, which are described after Stern as determinants of personal life orientations in the dimension of cooperation – self-preservation.Pozycja Self-Determination the Fundamental Category of Person in the Understanding of Karol Wojtyła(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University, 2009) Rostworowski, TadeuszThe concept of self-determination is the central category of person in the understanding of Karol Wojtyła. He perceived and developed it thanks to the application of a phenomenological method so that in the full description of experience gained by man one arrives at the noumenal bases of man himself.Pozycja Total Participation in Project Management - Friend or Foe(Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University, 2009) Pyrkosz, Joanna; Żmuda, GrzegorzThe aim of this study was to examine how one’s preferred management style (participative or autocratic), influences project-group effectiveness and his or her job satisfaction. The group experiment simulating a project management task has shown that people’s preferred management style did not reflect their actual behavior. As predicted, members of participative project groups were more satisfied with the task they performed, and reported a more positive mood after the experiment. Members of autocratic groups were less satisfied and reported a more negative mood after the experiment. Contrary to the hypothesis, no significant effects on effectiveness were observed.